Junior CentraleSupélec - Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence Artificial

After decades of false starts and unmet expectations, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key asset in enabling to enable companies to cope with the growing complexity of digitization and Big Data.

Junior CentraleSupélec has a simple mission: to make AI, machine learning and data science far more more accessible, faster and more effective.

Our missions are to teach machines to read (natural language processing or NLP), to see (video segmentation and image understanding) and to understand their environment.

Our services:

Natural Language Processing

Our offer for Natural Language Processing (NLP) offer a range of advanced services for understanding, analyzing and generating human language automatically.

Our NLP solutions are designed to meet specific needs using pre-trained models and state-of-the-art technologies to optimize quality and safety. quality and safety.

  • Automatic speech analysis ;
  • Taxonomic segmentation ;
  • Automatic synthesis.

Computer vision

  • Real-time detection and identification.
  • Automatic object recognition.
  • Robotic integration.

Our range of Computer Vision offer focuses on the ability to understand and interpret visual data using artificial intelligence. We offer a range of solutions for image and video processingincluding object detection.

Our advanced technology enables companies to automate tasks, improve safety, optimize production processes and deliver exceptional user experiences using pre-trained models and deep learning algorithms.

Algorithm ProcessAlgorithm

Our offer in Algorithms is to design, develop and optimize customized algorithms to solve complex problems.

We work closely with our customers to understand their specific specific needsThen we design efficient, customized algorithmic solutions.

We focus on designing robust, fast and scalablealgorithms to help our customers achieve their performance and efficiency objectives.

  • Heuristic and trading algorithms ;
  • Algorithms and signal processing ;
  • Performance optimization ;
  • Code porting.

Our strengths :

  • Double degrees with the most prestigious universities (MIT, Columbia, Stanford, Oxford).
  • MSc in Data Sciences and Business Analytics with ESSEC.
  • Several specialized 3rd year courses in the field.

Our references :

Confidential start-up

Dental segmentation algorithm

Budget: €4,950

Lead time: 12 weeks

Algorithm for automatically segmenting 3D jaw files.

Machine learning model to calibrate treatment plans.

Confidential start-up

Creation of an intelligent chatbot for professionals

Budget: €6,200

Lead time: 15 weeks

Development of a Dialogflow agent.

Setting up the dialogue tree.

Database and user profile design.


Translation of 2 codes from Matlab to Python

Budget: €12,540

Lead time: 5 weeks

Creating a Docker container.

Python code LumpGem.

RedGem Python code.

Drafting of documentation.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
